Decision making is the mental process of selecting a course of action from a set of alternatives. Decision making comprises three phases -
(a) Finding occasions for making a decision.
(b) Finding possible courses of acting.
(c) Choosing among courses of actiion.
- It is a goal oriented process:- Decision making is a goal oriented process. It aim at achieving certain specific goals of the organisation.
- Selection process:- Decision making is a selection process in which best alternative course of action is choosen from the given alternative course of action.
- Intellectual process:- It is an intellectual process because we evaluate the alternative.
- Continuous process:- It is a continuous process because a manager is required to take decision continuously fpr different activities.
- Decision making is situational:- It is situational because it depends upon the situation to situation, time to time, etc.
1. Programmed and non - programmed decision:-
- Programmed decision are normally repeatative nature and these are taken under the policy structure.
- Non programmed decisions is not repeatative nature their need arise because of specific situation they involve judgement, intutition, creative.
- Major decision are related to purchase of machine like more than 1 lakh, it is considered as major decision.
- Minor decisions are related to expenditure less than 1lakh rupees like purchase of stationery.
- Individual decision are taken by a single person it can be for personal objective.
- Group decision are taken by group who contribute for the special purpose.
- When an individual takes decisions as an executive in the official capacity , it is know as organisational decision.
- When the decision is taken by the executive in the personal capacity, it is known as personal decision.
- Decision pertaining to various policy matters of the organisation are policy decisions. These are taken by top level management.
- Operating decisions are related to day to day functioning or operational of business. middle and lower level managers take these decisions.
- Routine deccision are related to the general functioning of the organisation. They do not require much evaluation and analysis and can be taken quickly.
- Strategic decisions are important which affect objectives, organisational goal and other important policy matters. These decisions usually involve huge investments or funds.
1. Statical technique:- It is used as an important tool in taking decisions. Decisions are the following:
- Theory of probability,
- sampling analysis,
- correlation/regression,
- time series analysis
- ratio analysis.
3.Operational techniques:- Apart from statical technique there are other modern technique which is called operational research technique. Following are the cheap operational technique:-
- Linear programming,
- game theory.
- Network analysis,
- Break - even analysis,
- Waiting line.
- Cost benefit analysis.
5.Behaviour technique:- These technique factor affecting a particular decision are evaluated. group decisions are an important contribution of this science.
6.Principle of management technique:- It can be observed that the principles of management are not a tehnique of decision making but prepare online an atmosphere for decision making process.
7.Intution technique:- Decision are taken on the basis of inner feeling and we use this technique at the time of emergency.
- Defining the problem:- The right decision is recognizing the problem or ooppurtunity and deciding to adress it. Determine why this decision will make a difference to your customer or fellow employees.
- Analysing the problem:- In process of solving the problem, you will have to analysis as much as information related to the factors and stakeholders involved in the problem.
- Development of alternative:- In this process, the baseline criteria for judging the alternative should be setup. When it comes to defining the criteria, organisational goal as well as the corporate culture should be taken into consideration.
- Evaluation of alternative:- In this process, experience and effectiveness of the judgement principle come into play. You need to compare each and every alternative for their positive and negatives.
- Selection of best alternative:- In this process, the selection of best alternative is an informed decisions since you have already followed a methodology to derive and select the best alternative.
- Executive of decision:- In this process, convert your decision into a plan or a sequence of activities. Execute your plan by yourself or with the help of employees.
- Follow up:- In this process, evaluate the outcomes of your decision. see whether there is anything you should learn and then correct in future decision making.
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