Organizing is the frame work of an organisation to achieve the goal of an organisation. organizing is the process of arranging people and other resources to work together for achievement of goal. Organizing refers the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and establishing a productive relation among them for achievement of specific goals.
- Division of labor:- It leads to specialization which increase the efficiency of individual.
- Orientation towards the goal:- Every organisation have its own objective. Organisation is the function which help the employee to achieve the overall objective of the firm.
- Common objective:- Each and every sub-ordinate and superior efforts to achieve the organisational goal or objectives.
- Differenciated function:- Each one has to perform a different task and the task of one individual must be coordinated with others
- Coordination:- It is also known team-work. In case of coordination work of one person directly link with other person, if one person works goes wrong it will effect the other person works.
- Specialization:- Organisational structure is a network of relationship in which the work is divided into units and departments.
- Well-define Job :- It help in putting right men in the right job which can be done by selecting people for various departments according to there qualifications, skill, experience, etc.
- Growth of enterprise:- Enterprise growth is totally depend in an how effectively and smoothly a concern work.
- Adoption to changes:- Whenever the changes take place in the business environment then with the help of organizing function these changes can be adopted systematically because organizing function create different departments and group related activities under each departments.
- It clarifies authority:- It help in clarifying the role and position of the workers.
- Establishing effective coordination among the various managers.
- Assigning all activities to the able people.
- Determination of the activities for the accomplishment of set objectives.
- Grouping and classifying in group all the activities.
- Line organisation:- this is the simplist method of organisational structure which is called by many name like miltary organisation, vertical organisation, departmental organisation and ideal organisation.
- Line and staff organisation:- These organisations have direect, vertical relationship between different levels and also specialists responsible for advising and assiting line managers. Such organisation have both line and staff departments.
- Functional organisation:- An individual or a group retains functional authority when he has the authority to control some of the activities of other departments and to give order and direction in that regards besides his formal chain of command. It is also known as functional formanship.
- Divisional organisation:- while growth through expansion in same line of business forces a small organisation to organize on functional basis, growth through geographic and product diversified necessities the adoption of divisional structure.
- Matrix organisation structure:- It is permanent organisation designed to achieve a specific result by using team of specilists from different function areas in the organisation.
- Hybrid Organisational structure:- This type of structure is used by multinational companies operating in the global environment while focus in an international geographic structure, companies may also choose product department in addition geographic pattern while at the head quarter's the departmentalization may be based on function.
- Project Organisation:- A project organisation is a temporary organisation designed to achieve specific result by using teams of specialists from different functional areas in the organisation.
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